Dream It

After seeing the result of what happened to Joseph when he told his brothers of the dream God had given him, Matthew 7:6 became so real to me. I know there have been many times in my life where I have shared dreams of mine with...

We have all had dreams that have seemed "too far fetched," or too big. I know I have and do. Did you know that those dreams were given to you by God? Do you know why these dreams seem so big and far fetched; it is because they will require faith apart from anything you can do in your own ability.

Did you know that most of the time, more times than not, fear is what kills more dreams than failure. Around 95% of people live their lives for comfort without the pursuit of accomplishing their God-given dream. There are multiple reasons as to why this is the case.

"Now Joseph had a dream , and when he told it to his brothers they hated him even more" (Genesis 37:5).

Here we see Joseph telling his brothers about the dream God had given him to where he would basically rule over them one day. His brothers grew with jealously and found a way to get rid of him by throwing him in a pit and later selling him off as a slave. You would think that Joseph's life would be over at this point and his dream would be just a fading memory, but God. God caused every thing the devil did to Joseph to work out for Joseph's good. He caused the devil's plan to backfire on him and worked it in Joseph's favor. This is a good time to shout because God will do the same for you!

"Do not throw your pearls before swine" (Matthew 7:6).

After seeing the result of what happened to Joseph when he told his brothers of the dream God had given him, Matthew 7:6 became so real to me. I know there have been many times in my life where I have shared dreams of mine with others including family, close friends, etc. and they have discouraged my dreams because of how big or impossible they may have seemed to them. This is exactly what this verse is referring to. It is meaning for you to guard your dreams from people who will discourage it. The negative words of others that lead to our discouragement is one of the biggest reasons we do not pursue the things in our heart.

Stay encouraged today because God has given you such a special purpose to accomplish on this earth. No dream is too small or inadequate because God can use whatever you put in His hands. And remember to be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!

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